How To Find Archived Emails In Gmail Account?

find archived email in Gmail

Google’s Gmail is one such platform that offers free web-based email services across the globe.  Like other webmail services, you can access Gmail from anywhere; all you need is a strong Internet connection. The free emailing platform offers a plethora of features, and in this league, one such feature Gmail offers is an Archive option. Archive is a place where you can store all old emails that you want to keep but do not want to maintain in a constantly fluctuating inbox. You can clean up your inbox by using “All Mail” option without deleting your emails.

The real benefit of Archive option is that you can restore these messages to the Inbox without facing any issue. Herein, we have mentioned the proven steps on how to find an Archived emails in Gmail account.

Proven Steps to Find Archived Emails In Gmail Account

Follow these steps to find Archived emails in Gmail account:

Step 1: Search For Archived Mail

  • Launch Gmail on your pc/laptop by using a web browser.
  • Now, search for All Mail option, loca“ted on the left-side column.

Step 2:  Find All Mail Option

If a message has been archived, you can find the mail by opening the All Mail label.

  • On your Gmail, navigate to More option and then go to the All Mail option.
  • Now, under All Mail we have a combination of labelled and unlabelled emails.
  • In the next step, search for unlabelled mails and proceed into the next step.

Step 3: Move Achieved Messages Back to Your Inbox

  • On your computer, open the Gmail.
  • Find the archived message by using the above-guided steps.
  • Now, in the next step, tap the message and click Move to Inbox option.
  • A confirmation will appear on your computer screen that verifies the emails have been moved to the Inbox.
  • Finally, select Undo tab to reverse the process.

Steps to Find Archived Emails In Gmail (For Android Device)

To find Archived emails on your Android device, pursue the on-screen prompts as under:

  • To start with, unlock your Android device and open Gmail app account to view the Inbox.
  • Now, in the next step, look for Menu option (three-line icon) located at the top-left corner of the screen.
  • After this, select All mail.
  • Now, from the appearing mail search for unlabelled mails.
  • Finally, tap the email and click on the Move to Inbox option.

Steps to Find Archived Emails In Gmail (For iPhone)

Pursue these steps:

  • Unlock your iPhone and open the Gmail app.
  • From the top-left corner, select Menu option and click on it.
  • Now, explore and search for All Mail, and tap the sender’s profile image next to the message you want to move.
  • After this, from the top-right side, click on the More option and then go to the Move to Inbox to complete the steps. 

And this is how; you can find Archived Emails on your Gmail account. More than this, here we have mentioned the proven steps on how to Unarchived emails in Gmail account

Steps to Unarchive Emails In Gmail Account

For Computer:

  • In a web browser, launch Gmail by using your login credentials.
  • On the Gmail, explore the navigation panel and select More option.
  • Now, select All Mail and select the emails which you want to return to the Gmail.
  • After this, from the above-mentioned toolbar, select Move to Inbox and click on Undo to complete the step.

For Android:

  • Open the Gmail app on your Android to view the Gmail inbox.
  • Now, click on the three-line icon (located at the top) and select All Mail.
  • In the next step, tap the email you want to Unarchive and click on the Move to Inbox option at last.

For Iphone:

  • Launch Gmail app on your iPhone to open the Gmail inbox.
  • Tap the three-line icon (located at the top) and select All Mail.
  • Now, select the email you want to Unarchive and click on the Move to Inbox option.

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