Tips To Minimize Emails Going to Spam Folders

It can be quite frustrating to see your legitimate emails going to the Spam folders. If you are facing a problem with your email account, you will need to undertake certain steps to minimize email from going to the Spam folders. Whether your incoming emails are going to the Spam folder in your email account or your outgoing emails are being delivered to the spam folder of the recipient account, this guide will help you overcome this issue in most cases.

Tips to Avoid Emails From Going into Spam Folder

For Incoming Emails

If the legitimate incoming emails are getting diverted to the Spam folder of your email account instead of the Inbox folder, you can consider the following tips to resolve this issue.

1.) Mark Emails “Not Junk”

One of the best ways to prevent genuine incoming emails from going to the Spam folder is by simply marking them as “Not Junk’. This way your email service will move back the email to your Inbox. The next time you receive an email from the same sender, your email service will not divert it to the Spam folder.

NOTE: The “Not Junk” option may be different as per the email service used by you. Also, not every email service will automatically prevent future emails from the same email address that you marked as “Not Junk” to the Inbox folder.

2.) Add The Email Address to Safe List

Some email services allow the users to prevent legitimate incoming emails from going to the Spam folder by adding the sender to the safe list. So, you can simply add the sender to the safe list in your email account and see if the future emails are now getting to the Inbox folder or not.

NOTE: If your email service is yet to offer this option, you can simply add the sender’s email address to your contact list. This should also fix the problem.

3.) Check If Any Filter Is Affecting the Destination of Incoming Emails

If you have created filters in your email account, make sure the criteria configured in such filters are not preventing your authentic incoming emails from getting into the Inbox folder. If such is the case, you can create a separate filter for the email address and set the destination of future emails from the sender.

4.) Make Sure You Haven’t Marked the Sender’s Email as Spam in the Past

If you have ever marked the email from the sender as Spam in the past, your email service may consider all the emails coming from the sender as Spam even when it is not. So, check your email account for any such action and take appropriate steps to overcome the issue.

5.) Make Sure that The Sender is Not Blocked

If you have blocked the sender in your email account, there is no way the emails will be delivered to the Inbox folder of your email account. So, first, make sure that you haven’t blocked the email address of the sender. If you have blocked the sender, you will need to unblock him/her from the blocked email list of your email account to receive emails to your Inbox folder.

For Outgoing Emails

If your outgoing emails are getting delivered to the Spam folder of the recipient’s account, you can follow the below-mentioned suggestions to fix the issue.

1.) Check Your Subject Lines

Most of the recipients are known for marking an email as spam if they find the Subject line to be suspicious or misleading. So, it is always suggested to choose your subject line carefully. Moreover, try not to add Spam trigger words such as Billion, Cash, Dollars, Earn, Extra, Million, Money, etc. Similarly, make sure the content of your email also follows good email-sending practices.

2.) Always Have A Reliable Email Service Provider

The reputation of the email service providers is based on the good reputation of their users. When an ESP has a good score on their IP address, they are less prone to be considered Spammers. So, always go for a reliable email service in order to prevent your emails from getting into the Spam folder of the recipient’s email account.

3.) Don’t Send Emails to Unsubscriber

This is the most important! If you are sending multiple emails on regular basis to the recipients who have opted out from your service, your email messages are more likely to be considered spam by the recipient’s email service. So, try not to send emails to the people who have unsubscribed from your service.

3.) Keep Your Email List Clean at Regular Intervals

As a bulk email sender, you must always make sure that you have an updated email list at regular intervals. Using an old email list for your future emails is more likely to cause similar issues. Keeping your email list clean frequently will help minimize the number of your outgoing emails from going to the Spam folder of recipients.

NOTE: It is best to avoid buying email lists as it simply represents a violation of ISP’s Terms of Service.

4.)  Try Not To Include Flashy Media Content

Most of the email clients are not able to view rich media content, such as video embeds and Flag. So, try not to include them. If you include them and they are not appearing or working properly, the recipient may suspect them to be deceptive, which can make them mark them as Spam. However, if the media content is essential from a marketing perspective, you can add a web link to the video instead of adding the complete video in the email.

5.) Avoid Adding Attachment to the Email

When you send an email with attachments like Word documents or PDFs, it alerts spam filters immediately. Also, attached files increase the size of the email which consequently makes them sluggish to load. Instead of attaching a large attachment with your email, you can share it via the cloud by providing a link. This way you can prevent your email from getting suspected as Spam by the recipient’s emails service.

So, these are some of the ways to prevent your outgoing emails from getting into the Spam folder. In addition to these suggestions, you can also test your emails before sending them. There are certain Mail Testers that can help you evaluate your email and let you make required changes to prevent them from getting treated as Spam.

And, this is how you can minimize incoming and outgoing emails from going to the Spam folder.

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