Hacked Fastmail Account? Check Fastmail Security

Forgetting password for your Fastmail account is common, but if your account has been hacked and you are unable to access it, you will need to recover your account as soon as possible by resetting the password. To know how you can quickly reset the password for your Fastmail account, follow the step-by-step instructions provided below.

Steps to Check Fastmail Security

NOTE: Since you may or may not be able to access your hacked Fastmail account, we have provided instructions for both situations.

When you are unable to access your hacked account

1.) Go to the sign-in page of Fastmail and click on the option “Can’t access your account?” located at the bottom of the sign-in window. Wait until you are directed to the next page.

2.) On the next page, under “Forgot your password or lost your two-step verification device”, click on the blue link which reads “account recovery tool”. You will be directed to the Account Recovery page.

3.) On the Account Recovery page, enter your Fastmail account username under “What is your username” field. Also, select the checkbox next to “I’m not a robot” option.

4.) Then, click on the START RECOVERY button. Wait until you are directed to the next page.

5.) Once you are on the next page, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the account recovery process.

When you are able to access your hacked account

1.) Sign into your hacked Fastmail account and go to the menu to select Password & Security option.

2.) Enter your current password in the prompted text box located at the top and select “Unlock” button.

3.) Next, enter your new password in the “New Password” text box and type it again.

NOTE: Try not to use the same password for any other online accounts.

4.) Once you are done entering the new password, click on the “Change Password” option. Password for your Fastmail account will be changed.

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