Email Not Working on iPad 2 – Learn Tricks to Troubleshoot Email Problems On iPad

email not working ipad 2

If you have configured your email address on the iPad correctly, there should not be any problem or error in receiving emails. There are, however, times or occasions when your iPad doesn’t live up to your expectation. Problems might arise – particularly, email is not working on iPad 2, requiring immediate solutions.

When your email is not working on your Apple device, you are unlikely to receive or send emails. There could be a myriad of reasons – email server error, connectivity issue, or you are missing some key pieces of information in the account setup. Let’s go through the following and try out a few things.

Email Not Working on iPad 2 – iPad can’t Get Your Mail

“The IMAP server ‘’ is not responding. Check your network connection and that you entered the correct information in the ‘Incoming Mail Server’ field” – this message often surfaces on the iPad screen when you start the Mail app and stumble upon the error message. Since it prompts you to check whether you are connected to a high-speed internet connection. Check for the Wi-Fi logo or LTE indicator or the 3G/ 4G indicator. If you don’t see any of this, the device is not connected to the Internet. So, you need to –

  • Go to “Settings” and turn Wi-Fi on.
  • You should see a checkmark next to the available Wi-Fi network.
  • Join” the network if there’s no checkmark. Input a password in case you are prompted to do so.
  • Tap the “Settings” app and tap “Cellular Data”.
  • Tap the “View Point” option and ensure the login information is correct.

Still, not getting emails or only getting error messages?

If this is the case, you need to go to the email settings for the account.

  • Tap the “Settings” icon and tap “Mail, Contacts and Calendars”.
  • Look for the email account that you are having problems with. Choose that by tapping the “Account” tab.
  • Next, you will have to verify the Email and Password fields are filled with correct details.
  • Just retype them to ensure the problem is gone and you can access emails without any problem.

When you re-enter or retype the details, you are likely to see the “Verifying” option at the top. Also, see some checkmarks that say the account is working fine.

Email Not Working on iPad 2 – You Can’t Send Emails on Your iPad

A few things that you need to keep in mind are –

  • Your Apple device should have a good Internet connection.
  • Contact your email service provider to check whether there’s a service outage.


Check Outbox for Unsent Email

You send an email, but in return, you get a message that says your email couldn’t be sent. This unsent message goes straight to the Outbox folder. This is what you need to do next –

  • Tap “Mailboxes”.
  • Tap “Outbox”. (The email was sent if you don’t see an Outbox.)
  • Tap the email in the Outbox folder and ensure that the email address of the recipient is correct.
  • Tap “Send”.


Check Email Address and Password

Another top reason that might prevent you from sending emails could be the email address and password error. If Mail prompts you to provide a password for the email account, there’s likely to be a password error. Check the credentials and sign-in to the email provider’s website. You may like to contact your system administrator or email provider if you get a username/ password error.

  • Check the status webpage of your email provider to see if there’s a service outage.
  • Get in touch with the system administrator or email provider if you have turned on any security restrictions such as two-step verification. Also, you might need to request special authorization or a password from your email provider to access email on the iPad.
  • Check your email account settings.


Remove Email Account from iPad and Configure Again

Check the steps below –

  • Go to “Settings” on your iPad and tap “Passwords & Accounts”.
  • Choose the email account that you want to delete or remove by tapping “Delete Account”.
    • Then, configure it again. You should be able to access your email account now.

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