How To Fix Hotmail Email Attachment Size Limit Problem

Hotmail attachment limit

Hotmail email service comes with all basic and advanced features to carry out various email operations. One of the most common tasks carried out by users in their Hotmail account is transferring of files and documents.

While file sharing is an effortless task in Hotmail, however sometimes, some users face trouble attaching files in their Hotmail account due to the file size limit restriction. If you are also having file attachment limit issues, you can fix the issue by following these steps:

Guide to Fix Hotmail Email Attachment Size Limit Issues

NOTE: First you need to make sure that you are accessing your Hotmail account on a supported web browser.

1.) Make Sure the Size of File Your Are Attaching is Within Recommended Limit

When trying to send a file using your Hotmail account, it is important to make sure the size of the file is within the recommended limit. The recommended file size limit on Hotmail is 25 MB. In case the size of the file exceeds 25 MB limit, it is best to either reduce the size or try sending it from different programs such as Skype or OneDrive.

NOTE: If you only have the file size limit issue in your Hotmail account, the above-given workaround should fix the problem. However, along with it, if you are facing other problems in your Hotmail account, you can try fixing them by following the below-mentioned issue.

2.) Check your Internet Network

Apart from checking the file size, it is also important to make sure that your internet network is functioning properly. This is suggested because sending a file using an interrupting internet network may prevent the file from going through. So, make sure that your internet is working properly.

To check your internet network’s functionality, open a web browser and go to a random website. Check if the website opens normally or not. If it doesn’t, it is suggested to first fix the issue with your internet network and then try to attach the file. Also, make sure to pause any active download or upload processes to enhance the speed of your internet.

3.) Check the File Extension

From the security perspective, some of the file extensions are considered malicious by Hotmail and thus it blocks such files in users’ account. If you are trying to upload a file with such extensions (for example .exe), it is suggested to either change the file extension or zip them up before attaching to your Hotmail account.

4.) Avoid Using Special Characters in Filename

Using special characters such as !@#$%&* etc. in the name of the file is not accepted by Hotmail and thus files with such characters in the title are blocked when attaching to an email. Therefore, it is recommended to rename files with such name before you try to attach them to your emails in Hotmail account.

5.) Check your Web Browser Enhancements

Some web browser enhancements such as Add-ons or Plug-ins might block the files from getting attached in an outgoing email due to incompatibility error. In such a case, disable each add-on or plug-in (one at a time) and then try to attach the desired email. This way you will be able to identify the browser enhancement causing trouble and block it accordingly.

6.) Check your Internet Security Programs and Firewall Settings

Sometimes, Internet Security Programs and/or Firewall Settings are known for interfering with the functioning of web browser because of security reasons, therefore, it is suggested to make an exception for your web browser in the particular program or Firewall Settings and see if this clears the problem.

7.) Try Using A Different Web Browser

If even after following the above-given instructions, you are facing a problem with file attachment in your Hotmail account, it is best to try attaching the file in your Hotmail account on a different web browser, computer, and/or using different internet network. If this way you are able to successfully add the file to your email account, it means the problem is with your web browser, computer, and/or internet service provider.

And this is how you can fix the file attachment limit issue in your Hotmail account.

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